The Sparkford Noticeboard
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Neighbour Consultation Invitation, Land south of Cherry Blossom Way, Sparkford
2nd July 2024
Neighbour Consultation Invitation pdf
14th June 2024
Boon Brown are holding a public exhibition at Sparkford Parish Hall on Thursday 20 June from 4pm - 7pm to discuss potential retail use for a greenfield site off the High Street which is currently being considered by Somerset Council for commercial development - planning application number 22/01598/OUT. This is an opportunity for residents to let the agent and landowner know what the local community would / wouldn’t want and to comment on their current and future proposals for the development…
Proposals for residential development to the south of Cherry Blossom Way,
21st May 2024
Proposals for residential development
May bank holidays bring changes to waste collections
1st May 2024
Somerset Council are reminding residents that waste collections will change during May as bank holidays start and end the month. During the weeks beginning Monday 6 May, and Monday 27 May, collections of recycling, refuse and garden waste will be one day later than usual. If your recycling and/or refuse is usually collected on a Monday, then it will be collected on a Tuesday, if your usual day is a Tuesday it will be collected on a Wednesday and so on. This includes collections that would…
National Highways: Next traffic switch - A303 Sparkford to Ilchester scheme
25th March 2024
What’s happening? To allow us to carry out the next phase of construction, we need to change the traffic management layout between the Steart Hill junction and Gason Lane, known as the Wales embankment. We’ll be moving traffic onto a section of the newly built westbound carriageway to allow us a safe area to build the new eastbound carriageway at this location. The traffic management changes are: Eastbound traffic will switch onto a single lane of the new westbound carriageway at Steart Hill…